Artist Name - MKPlastics-B000-00A - Troubleshooting an Exhaust Fan System.mp3

When you're troubleshooting exhaust equipment (or any HVAC equipment), you really have to put your detective hat on. It can sometimes be a very complicated task to identify the category of the specific problem. Sometimes it's an easy fix, and sometimes it can be very complicated. There are even occasions when it's an issue that you'll simply be unable to solve. That's just the way it happens sometimes.

We work from a checklist, and there are troubleshooting sections that can help to narrow down the issue. By ticking off items one by one, we can go through a process of elimination to determine what's wrong.

Here are the four basic types of troubleshooting characteristics of a problematic fan:

1. Aerodynamic Performance

Aerodynamic performance can apply to any of five rating parameters: flow, pressure, speed, power, and density. If you have high pressure, low flow and low power, possible causes could be system losses, design issues, blockage, or a damper that isn't working.

2. Noise

Noise can be caused by an aerodynamic issue, a mechanical issue, electrical issue, or generated by vibration.

3. Vibration

Vibration has very similar characteristics to noise. It could be aerodynamically caused, mechanically caused, or electrically caused. You can feel vibration by touching the equipment.

4. Premature Failure

Nobody wants to find out that they have to replace a component only after a couple of years. You want components to have a minimum life of ten years (if not longer). Premature failure can be caused by improper storage, uneven buildup on the wheels, or just a lack of proper maintenance.

Those are the main topics of troubleshooting that we go through when trying to solve a problem. Sometimes we talk to the contractor over the phone. Generally speaking, we need to have somebody on the job site. If someone isn't already there, we'll send someone so that they can actually see what's going on in-person. There's nothing like actually being there to get a glimpse of the problem.

We have representatives in various parts of the world. The first port of call is for our Rep to send somebody to do an inspection. Very often, they can solve the problem themselves with a little help from us over the phone. Sometimes they'll even send us a video so we can sit down with our engineers to sort it out. Occasionally, it might be necessary for one of our Engineers to go to the job site to perform corrective measures if the Contractor can't do it themselves.

To learn more about troubleshooting exhaust fans and control systems, contact us today...